Thursday, October 9, 2014

Theatre Terminology

gels -- color medium made of dyed animal material. It is used to change the color in any stage lighting instrument.
break a leg -- an expression used instead of “good luck” when one wishes an actor success before opening night
 fly loft (flies) -- space above the stage where scenery may be lifted out of sight of the audience
bump up -- stage lights come up immediately
by-play -- secondary stage business upstage while main action of the scene is being played out downstage
dead-hung -- scenery or lighting that is hanging in the air and not designed to be moved during the performance, as opposed to "flying" scenery or lighting that is designed to be moved up and down
downstage -- the part of the stage closest to the audience as you face the audience
downstage right/left -- acting area closest to the audience and on the right/left side of the stage as you face the audience (the actor’s right)
draw -- to attract the public
dry up -- to forget one’s lines
entrance -- 1) entering the stage; 2) opening in the set that is used for entering
effect -- sound, visual, lighting cues intended to enhance a production
false perspective -- a scenic effect that, by exaggerating the effects of perspective, makes a set look bigger than it really is
false proscenium -- a portal that sits in front of or inside the real proscenium, giving the set its own "picture frame"

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